2011 Crop Circles-devised show-director: Alan Kinsella- Civic Theatre
2010 Dracula(Lucy Westerman/Vampire Bride) director:Simon Manahan - Civic Theatre.
2009 Strippers (Buffy)- director: Neil Jordan-Civic Theatre
2009 Parade (Lucille)-director: Neville Carlyle-Style -Civic Theatre
2008 Macbeth (2nd Witch) -director: Neil Jordan- Civic Theatre
2008 The Last Five Years (Cathy); MTI-director: Joseph C. Walshe- The Pavillion
2008 Hey Get A Life (Devora); 2Directions-director: Lynda Thompson -The Axis
2008 Steel Pier (Rita Racine) - director: Neville Carlyle-Style - O'Reilly Theatre
2008 The Crucible (Elizabeth Proctor)- director: Katherine Murphy- Civic Theatre
2008 A Gaggle of Saints (Sue) -director: Emer Casey - The Mermaid
2007 La Boheme (chorus) Opus1Opera- director: David Heathcote - The Helix