The Rasherman.....character: Angel Diredcted by Rory O Shea
Insida...........Character: girlfriend Directed by Oisin O Hara
The Guests.....Character: Jane Directed By Sofia Bullones
Cadivi..........Character: School official Directed By Sofia Bullones
Charlene Chaplin...Character: Charlene Chaplin
College times Comedy Strip.....Character: wine Drinker
Socks-shortmovie- Janice: directed by Colm Sexton
Till Death Us Do Part(short) :Sarah Directed by Paul Doyle
Somatic(short) : Melissa Directed By Phillip ledingham
The Marionette man(short): Cashier; Directed by Daryll Connolly
The Best Director(promo): The Best Director ;Directed By Daniel Abioye
Under The Stairs(short) : Chloe; Directed By Dave Thorpe
Is Anybody There (short): June; directed By Rhona Fogarty
House On Fire(short): Anita; directed By Alana Kemp Wylie
Paddywhacked(short): Wife;directed By Brian Baker
The Clinic(tv show) : Salsa Student Directed By Elizabeth Gill
Dublin Web festival(promo video): reporter; Directed by Erol Mustafov
Dublin web festival(promo video): Irish Chef: directed by Erol Mustafov